ADVANCED Beginner swim lessons
Advanced Beginner 1
Age: 2 years - 4 years. Class size: 4 children. Lesson length: 30 min
Cost: $31.25/class
Must be preapproved/recommended to join this level
This is a tough class for children of this age but the goal of the class is for the students to not need a flotation device in the pool any longer. This is not the right class for students to start in unless they have had a swim test and been approved.
Children will work with tools like back floats, barbells, and paddles in order to increase comfort and help develop proper body position. The students will do about half the class with equipment and half the class without until they are completely safe with out flotation
They will work on swimming the length of the pool on their back unassisted without flotation and also work on safety breathing to teach them how to breath and save themselves if they get in trouble.
Students in this class must be willing to put their face in the water in order to graduate.
*This level is not appropriate for children who are in a 3-4 bubble. Children must be in a 1-2 bubble.
Advanced Beginner 2
Age: 4 years - 6 years. Class size: 4 children. Lesson length: 30 min
Cost: $31.25/class
This class is for students who can not yet swim the length of the pool on their back without assistance and struggle with rolling for the length. This is not a good class to start in unless approved because of goal of the class.
Students here may feel the need to use flotation, but the goal is to not need it anymore. Barbells, Paddles, Back floats will all be used in order to teach the children the proper body position and also to teach rolling skills to students.
Half this class will be done with equipment and half will be done without. It is the teacher discretion when to remove students for flotation assistance.
Students will need to be able to put their face in in order to graduate to Intermediate.
*This level is not appropriate for children who are in a 3-4 bubble. Children must be in a 1-2 bubble.
Advanced Beginner 3
Age: 6 years - 9 years. Class size: 4 children. Lesson length: 30 min
Cost: $31.25/class
This level is a place where students may start. This is where stronger swimmers who don’t possess the back skills or rolling skills to move right into Intermediate. If a student is nervous or has not really swum before then this would be the wrong class.
Student will use back floats, barbells, and paddles in order to gain comfort and confidence on their back and front. Some students will wear back floats if they can swim the distances on front.
The main focus will be body position and proper kick. These student should be able to put their face in the water as that is something they will need to be able to do.
*This level is not appropriate for children who are in a 3-4 bubble. Children must be in a 1-2 bubble.